Psalm 124:6-8 " The Trap came with a Testimony "

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Psalm 124:6–8 (NKJV)
6 Blessed be the Lord, Who has not given us as prey to their teeth.
7 Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; The snare is broken, and we have escaped.
8 Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
This 124 number of Psalm is apart of a some collect of songs
Known as song of degree or song of ascent
These songs where sung as Hebrew Jewish worshippers
We’re making their way up to Jerusalem
For one of the annual feast of Jews
What’s significant about these 15 songs of degrees
From Psalm 120-Psalm134
What’s significant is
That if you were to ever go back and study
These 15 songs of ascent or songs of degrees
You would discover that each one of them
Was a lyrical reminder of the greatness of God
And his loving kindness that he showed towards his people
Each one of these Psalms was a constant reminder
Of something that God had done or something that God is
For instance when you read
Psalm 125 It’s a reminder that God was Around
Psalm 125:2 KJV
“As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, So the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.”
Psalm 126 is a reminder that God is a Restorer
Psalm 126:1-3 KJV
“When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, We were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing: Then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them. The LORD hath done great things for us; Whereof we are glad.”
Psalm 127 is a reminder that God is a Rebuilder
Psalm 127:1 KJV
“Except the LORD build the house, They labour in vain that build it: Except the LORD keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain.”
Psalm 128 was a reminder that God was a Rewarder
Psalm 128:1 KJV
“Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; That walketh in his ways.”
Psalm 129 was a reminder that God was Righteous
Psalm 129:4 (ESV)
4 The Lord is righteous; he has cut the cords of the wicked.
Psalm 130 was a reminder that God was a Retriever
That in our distress that He’ll come rescue us
Psalm 130:1 (ESV)
1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!
Each one of these Psalms was a reminder of something
That God had done for His people or a reminder of who God was Himself
What excites me about Psalm 124
It’s a reminder that God was a Redeemer
In the mist of what we’re going through
No matter how difficult the Trials
No matter how difficult the Test
We serve a God that’s able to Redeem us
I love this Psalm 124
This Psalm is a blessing because
It’s all throughout the lyrics of this particular Psalm
David, he brags on God
He talks about how good God has been to him
In fact he opens the Psalm in verse one by declaring
Psalm 124:1 (NKJV)
1 “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,” Let Israel now say—
Note: Every now and again you should be accused of bragging on God
No matter how things are in your life
You still gotta talk about the goodness of the Lord
I believe that God has been so good to each and everyone of us
That you should be accused of how God is a Way maker
Brag about how he’s a Healer
Brag about how he’s a Heart Fixer
Brag about how he’s a Mind Regulator
You should be accused of having “ The Can’t Help Myself “
About the great things that God has done
David through out this 124 number of Psalm
He brags on God
In fact, David testify about three things specifically
Psalm 124:2-8
David testifies about the Traitors in his life
David testifies about the Trouble in his life
David testifies about the Trap in his life
Psalm 124:2 He testifies about the Traitors in his life
The False Friends and the People that smile in his Face
Talked behind his back
It would have consumed him
David assures us if the Lord had not been on his side the traders
Would have Triumph over him
In fact that’s somebody testimony here today
When you look at the Fake Phony and Fickle people that was in your life
Trying to trap you
But if it had not been for the Lord who was on your side
Psalm 124:2 He testifies about the Traitors in his life
Psalm 124:4-5 He testifies about the Trouble in his life
David don’t get specific about what kind of trouble it was
But he suggested to us that trouble would have overwhelmed him
That it would have Consumed him
That it would have Covered him
That it would have to Concealed him
David suggest to us that the trouble that the Lord delivered him out of
Was at a level to consume him
It was at a level of power to cover him
It was at a level that the trouble could have taken him out
And that’s somebody testimony on today
That the trouble you’ve been through should have taken you out
Psalm 124:2 He testifies about the Traitors in his life
Psalm 124:4-5 He testifies about the Trouble in his life
Psalm 124:6-8 He testifies about the Trap in his life
Can I tell someone that the devil has a trap waiting for you
The Devil has a snare waiting for you
Don’t get it twisted that you’re not to holy
To fall into a trap
You are not so righteous to where you can’t find yourself caught up in a trap
You’re not so erudite in scripture that you can’t find yourself caught up in the mist of a trap
David talks about the snare of the fowler
The first thing that really shouted me about David talking about his trap
Is that David don’t talk about how or what lead him to the trap
He only talks about how he got through the trap
He don’t talk about what landed him in the trap
He talks about how he left the trap
He doesn’t talk about how he got in the trap
He talks about how he got out the trap
That bless me because I don’t need to know how to get in trouble
Because I can get in trouble all by myself
I need to know how when I get in a trap how to get out of the trap
David talks & testifies about his trap
The Trap came with a Testimony
1st God Noticed My Reverence in the Trap ( V. 6 )
Psalm 124:6 (NKJV)
6 Blessed be the Lord, Who has not given us as prey to their teeth.
” BLESSED be the Lord “ -- is an expression of adoration, to praise, to adore
Note: David gives this expression of reverence in the MIDST of the Trap
David is not waiting until he comes out the trap
David is not waiting until things get better
David is not waiting till his circumstances change
David is not waiting until he get the clear signal
David is not waiting until God steps in and deliver him
In verse 6 in the mist of what he’s going through David says blessed be the Lord
David praises the Lord without a promise from God
Note: The verse says literally that he
“has not given us as a prey to their teeth.”
The metaphor of teeth pictures
painful, destructive injury,
likely an attack by spears and arrows,
in terms of a wild animal sinking its teeth into its prey
Anybody can PRAISE God when things are well
But a REAL PRAISER has a degree in Pit Praise
David says Lord I’m not praising you because I’m a Prisoner in the trap
David says I’m praising you because I’m not PREY-of the trap
Note: In other words David is just praising God because he is still alive
Note: David is praising God not because of Where I AM
David is praising God
Because of HOW I AM
Your could have :
Lost your Mind
Died by Suicide
Through in the towel
“ I’m STILL ALIVE “ --
The last 6 months
Just this year
Statement: Your Demeanor in your Derision says a lot about who you are, how you carry yourself.
Note: Your behavior reflects your belief
Note: Don’t TRIP In the TRAP
The Trap came with a Testimony
1st God Noticed My Reverence in the Trap ( V. 6 )
2nd God Navigated My Release from the Trap ( V. 7 )
Psalm 124:7 (NKJV)
7 Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; The snare is broken, and we have escaped.
David says I made it out
Somebody missed their shout right there that you made it out
Escape – in the Hebrew it connote the thought of a person that had been freed from a burning building or being carried out of a burning building
David is suggesting to us that he was in something that he could not get out of on his own but it was the Lord that carry him out
That word escape don’t mean
that you and I did it on our own
but this word escape means that it was somebody
that was fire proof that rescued you and I
Ran in the mist of our burning situation
and pick us up and carried us out
Example: That movie “ Get Out “ --- Chris & Rod
Psalm 124:7“ our soul has escape “
What David is saying in this clause of verse seven
The time he said these words he was still in the snare
He says my “ Soul Escape “
Please note that he uses the word escape twice in verse 7
The first time he uses the word escape it’s suggesting spiritually
The second time he uses the word escape it refers to a physical departure
David is suggesting with the first escape
That God brought him out spiritually before physically
In other words David is saying I was still in it but out of it
I was in the trap but the trap wasn’t in me [ The Situation ]
Note: God can give you liberation while incarceration
Note: In other words God if you don’t bring me OUT I’ll PRAISE YOU RIGHT HERE
Give God a Praise :
1. HALLAL is a primary Hebrew root word for praise. Our word "hallelujah" comes from this base word. It
2. YADAH is a verb with a root meaning, "the extended hand, to throw out the hand, therefore to worship with extended hand, to lift the hands."
3. TOWDAH comes from the same principle root word as yadah, but is used more specifically. Towdah literally means, "an extension of the hand in adoration, avowal, or acceptance."
4. SHABACH means, "to shout, to address in a loud tone, to command, to triumph."
5. BARAK means "to kneel down, to bless God as an act of adoration, to salute."
6. ZAMAR means "to pluck the strings of an instrument, to sing, to praise; a musical word which is largely
7. TEHILLAH is derived from the word halal and means "the singing of halals, to sing or to laud; perceived
Note: Because God knows my trap tendencies thirdly what He done
The Trap came with a Testimony
1st God Noticed My Reverence in the Trap ( V. 6 )
2nd God Navigated My Release from the Trap ( V. 7 )
3rd God Nullified My Return to the Trap ( V. 7b )
Psalm 124:7 (NKJV)
7 Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; The snare is broken, and we have escaped.
Y’all missed it, I bet a quarter this morning y’all was going to miss it and I just won
David says God nullified, He canceled, He made the trap ineffective
He came and He broke the snare
David says I’m not in the trap anymore not because I don’t wanna go back
But because He nullified it
David says because I have trap tendencies
And the truth of the matter is
We all got some trap tendencies
Trap Talk — Trap Thoughts — Trap Music — Trap Ways — Trap Places — Trap People — Trap Problems
And what the Lord hast to do for some of us
He hast to do more than just navigate our release
But He hast to come in nullify the return
Because if He don’t nullify the return
We are going to find ourselves going right back
Into the same trap again
And don’t look at me with that tone of voice [ Be Honest ]
1st God Noticed My Reverence in the Trap ( V. 6 )
2nd God Navigated My Release from the Trap ( V. 7 )
3rd God Nullified My Return to the Trap ( V. 7b )
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